Thursday, July 12, 2012

Monday June 25 (Day 5 post surgery)

Bright and early this morning, Dr. Philips came in, 7:30 am to be exact. He caught us completely off guard but he came in to see Spencer and release him. He told us he was going into surgery at 8 so he wanted to have us released before so we didn’t have to sit around and wait all day. He once again reiterated how well Spencer was doing. He checked his incision, he checked his eyes and was pleased so he said whenever we were ready we could leave. He also told us he would be away for the next few weeks and that we wouldn’t see him again until July 20th. Wow, I thought that was a long time from now but if that is what he was comfortable with than so was I. He gave us a script for morphine and Tylenol and told us to use them at our discretion. We packed up our things; got Spencer dressed and got ready to leave. To my surprise I was excited but yet very very nervous. Taking Spencer home meant we were now solely responsible for his well being. No one was going to be taking his vitals; no one was going to be monitoring him, only us. That seriously scared me. Would he be okay at home? Would he relapse? Would I know if he was in pain? How would I know the difference between a pain cry and just a normal “I’m tired, or I’m hungry” cry? I knew that home was much better for all of us so we said our good-byes to the nurses, our room and got in the car with Spency and headed home.

Another thing I was nervous about was how my four year old would react to Spencer as he still didn’t look like himself. He was still swollen, puffy and red. I didn’t want him to be scared by his own brother so I decided to have a very serious talk with him before he came home. I am going to write another blog all about my four year old and the whole ordeal but for now I will just say he seemed to understand that Spencer had a “boo boo” and that he was going to get better. He can still hug him and kiss him like he always does; he just needs to be a little gentler with him. I explained that he may not look exactly like he knows but that over time he will look better and better. So, we brought Spencer in and to my delight, Eidan looked a little apprehensive at first but after a few minutes they were back to the best of brothers. Phew!

Monday morning before we left Sick Kids Hospital

Saying good-bye and thank you to one of our favourite nurses, Shelley.

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