Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sunday June 24 (Day 4 Post Surgery)

I was praying and praying for Sunday to come and it was finally here. In my mind I knew that we wouldn’t see drastic changes in Spencer but I was hoping that we would wake up, his swelling would have subsided and we could forget all this ever happened. Of course, this was not the case but today we did see great improvements in Spencer. This morning the nurses came in and were very pleased to see that Spencer was a little more awake. Still not completely himself, but at least awake and eyes open. In the morning they were still very swollen and it looked like it took a vast amount of energy for Spencer to keep his eyes open due to that swelling, but he managed to do it for a few minutes at a time and that made us happy.  He also seemed to be more alert, aware and even a little playful. To my amazement Sick Kids Hospital has a playroom on every floor filled with all kinds of toys, even a ton of infant toys. So Steve went there and brought a few toys back to our room and Spencer actually sat in his crib (with the rails down so it was like a big bed) and played with them. He really seemed to enjoy playing.  

As the day progressed Spencer’s eyes were opening more and more. The nurses told us that they were going to give Spencer a much needed bath this afternoon and when they did, he seemed like himself. They wheeled in this stainless steel tub which was filled with nice warm water and we put him in. He loved it. He splashed around; he even cracked a little bit of a smile which warmed everyone’s heart. It was in fact a good day!  Even the hospital seemed a little more relaxed today.  

I found I was looking at him like Spencer again. I know that sounds weird but when your baby looks nothing like himself it is hard to think of him as yours. I don’t really know how else to describe it but seeing him play and smile helped me relax and feel more at ease. Like my Spency was coming back to me after this whole ordeal.

One thing I do have to mention though is that if you are going to be going through this please make sure you are an advocate for your child. I found as Sunday was a very relaxed sort of day I had to ask if Spencer was due for Tylenol or Advil whereas during the week all the medicines came to us on time. I found that the four hour mark would pass and then I would have to find a nurse and ask for Spencer’s Tylenol and this upset me a little as mothers have so much to remember that the meds shouldn’t be one of them but unfortunately it was a worry for me. I just didn’t want him to feel any pain (and I’m really not sure he would have if he didn’t have the Tylenol) but I didn’t want to take that chance. In every other aspect the nursing and hospital staff are truly amazing. They not only take care of the children but they also take the time to ask the parents if there is anything we needed like towels, wash clothes, sheets or blankets. They were always helpful, caring and most important they were always smiling which really makes you feel at ease. They even smiled when weighing the dirty diapers! What a place!

I also asked the nurses if they would weigh Spencer as I was very curious to know how much weight he gained in swelling. Going into surgery he was exactly 19 pounds. On Saturday he was 23 pounds and on Sunday he was 21 pounds. The weight was coming down which meant the swelling was also coming down. I also noticed today that he seriously started filling diapers. So much so that we had to change him quite often so that he wouldn’t soak through to his clothes. This was a good thing of course.

Dr. Philips came by to see us today. He said Spencer was doing amazingly well. He said he hears that Spencer is eating cereal, he’s nursing and keeping it all in therefore we would in fact be released in the morning if we were comfortable taking him home!

Yes! We are going home!

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